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How Does Points2Shop Work?
Points2Shop works exactly the same as earning RuneCoins or Treasure Hunter Keys directly through the Runescape website. First, a company (let's say Gatorade) creates a survey. Now Gatorade wants as many people as possible to take this survey, so they pay other companies to advertise it (i.e PeanutLabs). PeanutLabs collects various surveys from several companies and wants to advertise them (they get a small commission from Gatorade if someone takes the survey), so they look for a website like Points2Shop.
Now Gatorade's survey has passed through a number of hands, so how does the money flow work? First, you have to take the survey and complete it honestly and thoroughly. Once Gatorade has the results, they pay PeanutLabs because they directed traffic to the survey. PeanutLabs then pays Points2Shop, because P2S directed traffic to PeanutLabs, and ultimately the survey. Points2Shop then pays you for taking the survey.
This is exactly the same as what Jagex does. However, instead of being paid with cash, you get paid with RuneCoins or Treasure Hunter Keys.